Posts in COVID-19 Family Resources
Enriched Family’s August Activities List: At Home, Online, or Socially-Distanced

Hi, Austin parents! The end of the summer and the back-to-school transition is certainly going to be different this year. I have some information and resources coming your way to help with the school transition…keep your eyes on the blog! In the meantime, if you are looking for one last summer hurrah or some general family fun or new ways to entertain the kiddos, I have rounded up a post on at home, online, or socially-distanced/outdoor activities and resources in the Austin area for August. I haven’t done a monthly blog post on kids’ and family activities in Austin since COVID given the uncertainty of everything, as well as the need to quarantine. Like most of you, I have come to accept that there does not seem to be an end to this anytime soon, so I wanted to give y’all some safe family and kid activity options, as well as some parenting resources. As always, I have focused on a variety of educational, cultural, and fun activities that are both free and fee-based so that you can choose the best fit for your family. Resources are listed by date order in each section, as applicable.

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Parents: Enriched Family is here for you!

Miss y’all! Enriched Family is here for you and your family. We will continue to provide resources and tips to support parents & families as we navigate our new normal in the short- and long-term. In addition, all Enriched Family services continue to be offered — remotely for now. Please reach out if I can help support you with time blocking your schedule; productivity coaching & strategies so you can still get your work done in this craziness; developing family schedules and systems; establishing work zones in your home; or general family organization.

As I know firsthand how hard it is for parents right now, Enriched Family is offering 25% off all services the biggest discount we have ever offered — during the months of April and May 2020. For the special rate, services do not have to be used by the end of May 2020, just purchased (you could purchase a package of hours that would not expire until a year after the shelter-in-place order is lifted in the Austin area). Enriched Family also offers a free, 20-minute initial phone consultation to discuss matching your needs and priorities with our services. So please reach out and let’s talk about how I can help!

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